Getting Ready for Back to Work

Getting Ready for Back to Work

Posted by Jane Mitchell on

As the move begins to get people back to work and parts of the economy are opening up - preparing offices for a different work environment is key and keeping sustainability top of mind may be challenging.  This is a great time to re-engage employees around a common vision, including sustainability, and to re-enforce the company culture in a tangible way.

Here are three tips for keeping sustainability front and centre during the transition back to work.

#1. Buy local: Directional signage, hand sanitizer stations, desk pads, recycled stickers instead of re-usable name tags may all be steps you are considering. If you can find a local solution it is worth the effort.

#2. Demonstrate your values: Employees will want to feel they are safe at work - having their own utensil set, lunch bag with bento box and water bottle can be good options.  Personalizing products can be done by imprinting right onto the product or simply adding a sticker or name with a sharpie. If you are thinking about sending everyone a 'Back to Work' kit or a mailer, you could send items in a backpack including notebook with information, safety kit with gloves and mask. Consider giving each employee their own set of white board markers that they take with them to meetings.

#3. Communication: Regular communication is key. Creating a 'Back to Work' safety campaign for employees with a new design is a way to add energy, colour and excitement to coming back to work. If you have created a team to manage the safe re-opening of the office, you could outfit the team in t-shirts or jackets to show who they are and that they are there to help. 

by:  Jane Mitchell, Founder and CEO Oyster Promo Inc.

Photo: Austin Distel

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